Demonstrationen till 3-årsdagen av den fullskaliga ryska invasionen av Ukraina

Demonstrationen till 3-årsdagen av den fullskaliga ryska invasionen av Ukraina äger rum lördagen den 22/2 kl. 14.00 på Milleniumplatsen, bredvid Stora Teatern i Göteborg. Gothenburg Stands With Ukraine – protests och Ukrainska Sällskapet i Göteborg står för arrangemanget. Kom och visa ditt stöd för Ukraina som kämpar för sin frihet och bevarande av demokrati.
– Jonas Attenius (S) – ordförande kommunstyrelsen Göteborg
– Axel Josefson (M) – 2 vice ordförande kommunstyrelsen Göteborg
– Carl Forsberg (MP) – 1 vice ordförande för kulturnämnden i Västra Götaland
– Magnus Jacobsson (KD) – riksdagsledamot
– Marie Brynolfsson (V) – kommunalråd Göteborg
– Jakob Olsson (C) – ledamot i distriktsstyrelsen
– Jacques Labouchere – framträder med sång
– Ruslan Gedz – präst
– Ukrainska scouter – Plast
– representanter från Gothenburg Stands with Ukraine – protests, Ukrainska Sällskapet i Göteborg m fl

“Kyiv Soloists” World Premiere

On January 28th at 17.45 in Bio Roy Indie Film will celebrate the world premiere of their documentary film called «Kyiv Soloists». The film follows the Ukrainian chamber orchestra that went on tour to Europe the day before the full-scale invasion and afterwards went on to play 46 concerts the next 60 days for peace and solidarity for Ukraine. The orchestra played in Stockholm and Gothenburg and the concert was broadcasted on SVT.
Many of the musicians will join this event in Gothenburg next week. The film is co-produced with Ukraine and the company Tabor Productions.
The four screenings during the festival are:
Tue 28/1 – 17:45 – Bio Roy
Wed 29/1 – 12:30 – Göta 1
Fri 31/1 – 13:45 – Biopalatset 1
Sat 1/2  – 19:15 – Göta 2

God Jul och Gott Nytt År!

Snart är det Jul och sedan ett nytt år. Vi tackar alla företag och privatpersoner för alla donationer, medicinskt material och många andra viktiga saker som vi tack vare er kunde skicka till Ukraina. Vi tackar er alla som på olika sätt bidragit till att hjälpa Ukraina i dessa svåra tider. Vi tackar också Sverige för det fortsatta stora och viktiga stödet! Tack till alla som var med för ett gott samarbete kring de arrangemang vi anordnade under året!🙏❤️
Vi önskar seger och fred för Ukraina! God Jul och Gott Nytt År till er alla!💛💙


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Ditt bidrag behövs och uppskattas mycket. Dela gärna detta inlägg. 🙏❤
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Minnesstund för offren för Holodomor

Lördagen den 23 november hölls en minnesstund för offren för Holodomor i Göteborg. Vi anslöt oss till en tyst minut och aktionen Tänd ett ljus som hölls i Ukraina och olika platser i världen. Tack för ett gott samarbete med att organisera arrangemanget: Gothenburg Stands With Ukraine-protests och Ukrainsk Greko-Katolsk kyrka i Göteborg. Innerligt tack för alla talen och framträdandena samt till alla som deltog.

Ukrainian Community in Gothenburg meets UWC president Paul Grod on his visit to Sweden

On November 21, the president of the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC), Paul Grod, arrived on an official visit to Sweden. The Ukrainian Community in Gothenburg, which is a member of the UWC and the local coordinator of the visit, organized meetings with the Ambassador of Ukraine to the Kingdom of Sweden, Andriy Plahotniuk, a group of Swedish Parliament members from the Ukraine Friendship Group, the Director General of the Department of Euro-Atlantic and Security Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Torbjörn Sohlström, Member of the Swedish Parliament Magnus Jacobsson and representatives of Swedish volunteer organizations that help Ukraine. At all levels, gratitude was expressed for Sweden’s unwavering support for Ukraine, and emphasized the importance of Sweden’s leadership in initiatives that guarantee sustainable security of Ukraine and the EU. An understanding was also reached on the issue of join efforts coordination between Swedish volunteer organizations and the UWC.

Many thanks to everyone who participated.

On November 22, continue the visit to Sweden of the head of Ukrainian World Congress – Свiтовий Конґрес Українців, Paul Grod, to Sweden, which was locally coordinated by the the Ukrainian Community of Gothenburg. A meeting was held with a member of the Swedish Parliament, Martin Ådahl, where the importance of Sweden’s persistent support for Ukraine and an increase in the volume of military assistance, including the transfer of Saab Gripen fighters, was emphasized. Special attention was paid to the issue of Sweden’s recognition of the Holodomor as genocide of the Ukrainians, particularly, in the context of the corresponding project that Martin submitted to Swedish Parlament this year. An important meeting was also held with representatives of Swedish-Ukrainian Non-Goverment organizations. Priest Andriy Melnyk greeted the guests and led a joint prayer. The National Anthem of Ukraine was played. Children from the Ukrainian creative studio Favorit of the Kulturhuset organization . Head on UWC called for unity and coordination of joint actions to create a powerful Ukrainian community in Sweden. Paul Grod thanked the Head of the Ukrainian Community in Gothenburg, Oleksandra Tershak Gustavsson, for her work and presented a commemorative UWC hryvnia. In turn, the Ukrainian Community in Gothenburg expresses its gratitude to Julia Alexandersson More Mosaic for her incredible help in organizing events during the visit. Thank you to everyone who joined us. Together to Ukrainian victory!